Emunah Short Stories Book 8. Mary's Flight.

An Ancient Prophecy Unfolds in Mary's Flight.

Emunah Short Stories Book 8 Mary's Flight

Mary's Flight

Janice Wee

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A stranger rescues Mary and hides her from the mobs that want to lynch her. She introduces Mary to an ancient prophecy seen in the stars. This prophecy unfolds in Mary's life, as she meets and falls in love with her hunky new landlord Barry.

Who is the woman with eagle's wings who haunts Mary's dreams?
What does she want?

Mary's Flight is a sweet romance in the midst of mankind's darkest hour. Although it is the grand finale of the Emunah Short Stories series, it can be read as a standalone.

This novella has been described as "Very absorbing. Arresting attention."

This epic thriller is available from these major online bookshops.

Please also recommend the book to your local library

It is also available on Hoopla, Overdrive, Gardners, Odilo and Baker & Taylor. The print version will be available through Ingram or D2D Print.

Title: Mary's Flight

Series: Emunah Short Stories

Author: Janice Wee

Ebook ISBN: 9798230826545
Ebook price: $7 USD

Paperback book ISBN: 9798230595366
Paperback book price: $14.99 USD


“Lynch her!”

Mary dodged a grabbing hand, darting out of the ruffian’s reach.

“She’s a Jew!” Another voice boomed. “Don’t let her get away.”

A bearded man caught her arm. His breath reeked of cigarettes and stale beer. “What’s the hurry?” He drawled. His lustful gaze swept over her body.

Adrenaline surging through her veins granted her a burst of strength to pull away—speed to run faster than she dreamt possible.

More men chased her.

Lungs bursting, heart racing, she reached into her pocket, retrieving a bag of marbles she had bought for her neighbour’s kid.

“Sorry, Matt,” she muttered, as she tossed the marbles behind her, sprinting as fast as her legs could take her, away from her pursuers who slipped on the tiny balls littering the ground behind her.

Chaos reigned.

Running within the shadows, her stomach turned when she saw a group of men, corner a couple—beating the man brutally as he shielded his female companion. One of the assailants turned—in her direction.

Her heart skipped a beat!

“Please God, help me,” she prayed.

The hoodlum looked away, cheering as his friends murdered the man and raped the woman.

The monsters laughed and cheered, treating the slaughtering of the Jews as if it were pure entertainment.
Tears streaming down her cheeks, Mary ducked into an alley, willing herself invisible.

A hand touched her shoulder.

Mary flinched; the scream escaping her lips, muffled by the hand covering her mouth.

She struggled, but the woman held her—in an iron-clad grip!

“Hush,” her captor whispered. “God told me to hide you.”

Something in her heart told her the stranger spoke the truth. She stopped struggling.

“Can you keep quiet?” The woman asked. “If they hear you, they will attack both of us.”

Mary nodded.

The Amazonian woman released Mary. “Follow me.”

“I don’t even know you,” Mary kept her voice low. While she was grateful for the reprieve, she baulked at following a stranger.

“My name is Samantha. You can call me Sam. I’m a Christian,” she replied as if that explained everything.

Not wanting to look a gift horse in its mouth, Mary looked up at the woman, as they walked into a building. She had to be at least six feet tall—her physique, muscular yet feminine. Mary would put Sam as an avid body building enthusiast.

Mary’s legs felt as heavy as lead, having sprinted for hours. The steep stairs posed a challenge.

“Need a hand?” Sam slowed her pace, as they climbed up what had to be the tenth flight of stairs. “I can piggy back you.”

“Just need to catch my breath,” Mary replied.

“No time,” Sam replied, as she lowered herself so that Mary could climb on.

Mary looked at her towering benefactor and shook her head. Her pride wouldn’t let her.

“Get on or they’d catch us,” Sam laughed. “It’s the last few flights anyway.”

Heart overflowing with gratitude, Mary got on Sam’s back.
The woman quickened her step, carrying Mary as if the young woman weighed nothing. They scaled five flights of stairs.

Then Samantha put Mary down in front of a door with a double door lock.
“We’re here.” Sam unlocked the door.
“Come on in.” Samantha’s warm smile put Mary at ease as she stepped into the apartment.

From the entrance, Mary could see a simple single bed and a toilet on the right, a television set and a sofa in the center and a kitchenette with a stove and a sink on the left side of the apartment.

Samantha climbed up a ladder, through a hatch in the ceiling. “Come up here,” she poked her head through the scuttle hole with a huge grin on her face.

“There’s a guest bed in the attic,” she pointed at a single bed between a bedside table and a closet at the end of the room. “It’s yours for as long as you need a safe place to sleep. Rent-free.”

“Thanks, Sam,” Mary replied. “I don’t know how to repay you.”

“No need to repay me. Thank God,” Sam gestured upwards, her face radiant. “Feel free to use anything you find here. There are clean clothes and spare sheets in the cupboard.”

The telescope by an open window intrigued Mary.

“May I?”

Please also recommend the book to your local library

It is also available on Hoopla, Palace Marketplace, Overdrive, Gardners, Odilo, cloudLibrary, and Baker & Taylor. The print version will be available through Ingram or D2D Print.

Title: Mary's Flight

Series: Emunah Short Stories

Author: Janice Wee

Ebook ISBN: 9798230826545
Ebook price: $7 USD

Paperback book ISBN: 9798230595366
Paperback book price: $14.99 USD

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