#ChristianSpeculativeFiction #BiblicalProphecy #Rapture #EndTimes

Emunah Short Stories Book 6. Liam's Dark Secrets.

Liam's Dark Secrets - Friendship, Love, Trust & Betrayal

This story of love, friendship, trust and betrayal begins through the eyes of Sue, Liam's wife, who is forced to confront her own denial of the truth.

Liam's dark secrets surface, one after another, hurting those around him.
To survive the 7-year tribulation, he relies on his allies, even as he funds Leo's Ark.
By playing hero, will he betray those he seeks to save?

Liam's Dark Secrets launches 19 October 2024.
Preorder your copy now.

Emunah Short Stories Book 6 Liam

Liam's Dark Secrets

Janice Wee

Kindle Thalia Barnes and Noble Vivlio Kobo Fable Smashwords Everand
Also available on Overdrive, D2D Print, Odilo, BorrowBox, Garners, Baker & Taylor


Is it possible to love someone too much?
The more you love a person, the more power he has to hurt you.
The more you trust someone, the greater the pain of betrayal.

Sue loved Liam.
Liam loved her back.

He even joined her church so that he could marry her.
If that was not enough, her billionaire fiancé gifted a majestic building to her parish.

If that's not love, what is?

But if he loved her, what was he doing kissing her bridesmaid during their wedding feast?

He blamed it on the alcohol and showered Sue with precious jewels to make up for his misstep.

When the kids came along, Liam doted on them, playing with them whenever he could carve time from his busy schedule. She didn't have to work. Liam provided everything Sue and the kids could ever want.

That had to be love.


Her faith in Liam’s love, floundered when she caught him embracing the children's nanny. The way they gazed into each other’s eyes when they thought she wasn’t looking sent red flags.

Liam insisted that he was comforting her like a good Christian brother should. Liam told Sue to trust him.

Which she did.

Though something deep within her screamed that she was a fool.

Sue married a good man.
He was a member of the church board.
Which was why she was in their holiday mansion overlooking the Alps, an hour's drive from the leadership’s annual spiritual retreat.

Liam was so sweet.
Sue’s thoughtful hubby flew Sue's best friend, Emma, to accompany her; while he stayed at the hotel where the event was to be held.

“Hello, Alps!”
Emma barged into the living room, her face glowing with excitement.
"Let's go mountain climbing.”

“Emma,” Sue sighed.
“You know I’m scared of heights.”
“It’ll be fun. I’ve got a local guide to take us to the peak.”

Was that a predatory grin on Emma’s face?

Sue wrote it off to her overactive imagination.
Emma was a close friend.

Sue’s old classmate re-entered her life after Sue and Liam returned from their honeymoon. Emma was quick to become her confidante, helping Sue adjust to her new life.

“I’ll pass,” Sue shrugged. “You go ahead.”

“If you say so,” Emma sang-song her way out the door, her voice dripping with glee that Sue couldn’t join her. “Don’t wait up for me. The trek will take up most of the week.” She jingled a set of spare keys as she closed the doors.

So there was Sue: alone in the massive mansion.

She couldn’t complain. As much as she enjoyed Emma’s company, that woman could be overbearing.

Chirping birds and cool, crisp air welcomed Sue as she sank into a chair on the patio. Enveloped by the scent of pine, she sipped her tea, taking in the breathtaking view. While her husband was at the church board retreat, she relished her time of solitude — reading her books, amidst of the raw beauty of God’s creation.

The doorbell rang.

A delivery man bearing a hamper greeted her.

“For Liam.”
She waved him in.
The young man brought the basket into the living room.

She read the card.
“Get well soon.” It was signed by all the members of the church board.

What happened?

Joe would know. He’s in the board too. Liam said they were attending the retreat together.

She called Joe’s private number.

“Sue, how’s Liam?” Joe asked.

“Isn’t he with you at the retreat?” Sue asked.

“He left within the first fifteen minutes,” Joe replied. “He said he wasn’t feeling well and was heading home.”

Please also recommend the book to your local library

It will also available on Overdrive, Gardners, Odilo and Baker & Taylor. The print version will be available through Ingram or D2D Print.

Title: Liam's Dark Secrets

Series: Emunah Short Stories

Author: Janice Wee

Ebook ISBN: 9798227020956
Ebook price: $7 USD

Paperback book ISBN: 9798227661562
Paperback book price: $12 USD

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